Thursday 6 May 2021

5 Essential Qualities for a Good Personality!

" Each soul is potentially divine. The goal is to manifest this divinity within by controlling nature,external and internal. '' - Swamiji.

A noble character and developed personality will ensure excellence in one's chosen field,and contribute to individual and national development.

So,let's begin with the five essential qualities required to enhance one's personality :-

1. Faith in Oneself

Swamiji held faith in one's potential divinity as the sheet anchor of personality development. Faith in god came next only to faith in oneself.If one believes that one's real nature is the spirit,not the body or mind - one would be a better individual with strong character.

2. Think Positive Thoughts

Swamiji decried,in no uncertain terms,weakness in human beings. Positive, wholesome thoughts based on our inherent divinity are essential for a strong character. Go on doing good,thinking holy thoughts continuously, that is the only way to suppress base impressions.

3. Attitude towards Failures and Mistakes

Swamiji advocated upholding the ideal once again even if a person failed a thousand times.He appreciated committing mistakes and learning from them rather than leading an inert existence like a wall,which cannot even tell a lie.

4. Self - Reliance

Man is the maker of his own destiny, said Swamiji. ' We are responsible for what we are, and whatever we wish ourselves to be,we have the power to make ourselves.'

5. Renunciation and Service

Swamiji held selfless service as a paramount means to character development. This , coupled with renunciation of selfishness and desire for the fruits of action, was considered by swamiji as the twin ideal of our nation. ' Intensify her in those channels', said he 'and the rest will take care of itself'.

Coming to the end...I want to ask you a question here,which dimensions do u think the divine core of our personality is based upon?

Sunday 2 May 2021

What is Personality?

Mere external appearance or a person's speech or mannerisms are only fringes of one's personality. They do not reflect the real personality.

According to the Cambridge International dictionary of English, '' Your personality is the type of person you are,which is shown by the way you behave,feel and think.''

Can we train our mind to obey us,to cooperate with us? How can it contribute to the development of our personality?

According to the Bhagavad Gita, ''The undisciplined mind acts as our enemy,whereas the trained mind acts as our friend. ''So,we need to have a clear idea of the mechanism of our mind.

The fourfold functions of the Mind:


The storehouse of memory and impressions of our past experiences presents various possibilities before the mind.The storehouse ia called 'chitta'(also known as our subconscious mind). The sum total of these impressions determine our character.

2.Deliberation and Conceptualization

'Manas',the faculty of mind that deliberated on several things.Imaginations and formation of concepts are also functions of manas.

3.Determination and Decision-Making

'Buddhi' is the faculty responsible for decision making,to judge the pros and cons of things and find what is more desirable.

4.'I' Consciousness

Appropriating to oneself,all physical and mental activities is called 'ahamkara' or 'I' consciousness. As long as the 'I' identifies itself with the undisciplined body-mind complex,human life is dictated by events and circumstances of the world.

What is Character?

Character is the key principle governing the personality of an individual. Every actions and thought of ours leaves an impression in our mind.These impressions determine how we behave at a given moment, how we respond to a given situation. The sum total of all our impressions is what determines our character.

Central Message of Swami Vivekananda

'My Ideal indeed can be put into a few words and that is: to preach unto mankind their divinity and how to make it manifest in every movement of life'.Man's inherent divinity was Swamiji's central message.

He was never tired of rousing people to be conscious of their inherent divinity and perfection. He wanted this divinity to manifest in our day- to-day lives.

Development involves struggle to grapple with one's mind and it's old habits,to cultivate new and wholesome ones.And this struggle is the greatest of all struggles in that it makes us civilized in the real sense of the term by manifesting our divinity and thereby our hidden perfection.

Concluding it here...I want to thanks to you for reading it till here and hoping so that this article must have been helpful to you:)